Respawn Entertainment officially released Apex Legends for the Nintendo Switch on March 9. With it came along its fair share of new content and bonuses exclusive to Nintendo Switch owners. More importantly, it also came with a lot of questions for Nintendo Switch owners planning on trying out Apex Legends for the first time, as well as long-time players from other platforms who also own a Nintendo Switch. Scroll down below to learn more about everything there is to know about the Apex Legends Switch version.
What Bonuses Are Included in the Apex Legends Switch Version?
Apex Legends players on the Nintendo Switch will receive a few extra parks. This includes 30 battle pass levels, as well as double XP gains for the next two weeks. Nintendo Switch players will also be able to get their hands on an exclusive Legendary skin for Pathfinder for free until May 4.
Does the Apex Legends Switch Version Have Crossplay?
Yes, it has. Nintendo Switch owners will not be limited to playing with and/or against each other in Apex Legends. They’ll also be able to enjoy the game with other players from other platforms, such as the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X. However, keep in mind that it’s not all good news. It’s no secret that playing with a mouse and keyboard is a lot more advantageous in fast-paced shooters. It’ll make for quite an interesting time as you learn how to adjust playing with and against other players using a different set-up from the joy-cons of your Nintendo Switch.
Is Cross-Progression Available for the Apex Legends Switch Version?
Unfortunately, while there cross-play, cross-progression is not possible. At least, not right now. What this means is that you won’t be able to carry over any of your progress on the Nintendo Switch to other platforms and vice versa. However, if it’s any consolation, Apex Legends’ Game Director, Chad Greiner, did mention that they are currently working out something to make cross-progression happen eventually.
How Well Will the Apex Legends Switch Version Run?
Panic Button’s technical director, Andy Boggs, recently talked about how well Apex Legends will run on the Nintendo Switch. In an interview with Famitsu, he revealed that the portable console will run the game in two different solutions. In particular, if the game is docked, it will run Apex Legends at 720p. Meanwhile, if it is in handheld mode, it will run at a fairly limited 576p resolution. However, regardless of the resolution, Apex Legends will be capped at 30fps on the Nintendo Switch. This could prove to be quite disadvantageous for a lot of players. After all, higher frame rates usually result in better performance. This is especially true in Ranked League. It’s worth noting that Apex Legends is expected to run at 120 frames per second on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Meanwhile, it runs at 60 frames per second on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Finally, on the PC, the framerates are capped only by the capability of the system running it and the monitor display.
Is the Apex Legends Switch Version Included In The Chaos Theory Collection?
March 9 was a rather eventful day for Apex Legends fans. It didn’t just see the launch of the Switch version of the game. It also saw the introduction of the Chaos Theory Collection, which brings boatloads of content and cosmetics to the game, including those available only for 24 hours. While Nintendo Switch players will be a couple of hours late to the proverbial party, they can still make it. In addition to cosmetics, the new Apex Legends event will bring a new game mode. Ring Fury, as it’s known, puts a spin on the standard battle royale formula. Instead of being damaged when caught outside of the radius of the circle, players will instead receive damage if they stay inside circles that will form at random inside the circle. The event will end on March 23 and will constantly be tweaked until then.