Then again, he’s not alone. In general, Pokemon cards have exploded in popularity over the last 12 months. Although his promotion to his 22 million or so YouTube subscribers definitely helps, it’s probably the hype surrounding the 25th anniversary of Pokemon that has led to Pokemon cards selling out quickly, and then being resold at higher prices. Pokemon cards have become so huge that even international fast-food giant Mcdonald’s got into it with their Happy Meals. Naturally, this initiative became victim to scalpers looking to get their hands on special Pokemon cards.
Paul Pulls Two First Edition Charizard Cards
The occasional professional boxer recently opened one of the base set boxes of Pokemon Cards in celebration of the franchise’s 25th anniversary and, let’s just say that the already-rich YouTuber just got richer. It didn’t even take more than an hour of his live stream, during which he wore a full Charizard costume, until viewers spotted Paul pulling two holographic Charizard cards and three holographic Chansey cards. To say that his hundreds of thousands of viewers were excited for Paul would only be fitting. Goldin Auctions’ Ken Golden was there with Logan Paul to examine the rare cards. He then estimated that the value of each first edition Charizard card would be around $500,000, once bidding closes next Saturday. If that is indeed the case, then this will mark the first time that a single Pokemon card will sell for half a million. In addition to the two Charizard cards he pulled, as well as the three Chansey cards, Logan Paul had an even better haul than expected. His other pulls, which he proudly showed off on Twitter, include Mewtwo, Raichu, as well as holofoil cards of Venusaur and Blastoise.
- pulled $2,000,000 of cards- sold out all NFTs- two Charizards ? thanks again to everyone for watching and congrats to our big winners 🙂 — Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) February 28, 2021 If totaled together, the total value of the cards he pulled during his live stream would be around $2 million.
Pokemon Franchise Celebrates Its 25th Year
It’s amazing to think that the Pokemon franchise has been going on for more than two decades already. However, with the recent happenings with the Pokemon cards, as well as various offical announcements, it seems like it’s going to go on much stronger in the decades to come. During the latest Pokemon Presents, three Pokemon games set in the Sinnoh region were announced. The first two, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl, are remakes of Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon World, respectively. Both titles are expected to release in late 2021 for the Nintendo Switch. Both remakes will mark the first time that Game Freak will not work on a mainline title, whether it’s a new release or a remake. Instead, ILCA will take the helm this time around, although Game Freak will still oversee the project. The reason why Game Freak isn’t developing the remakes is that they’ve got their hands full in an even bigger Pokemon title. Pokemon Legends: Arceus will be the first open-world Pokemon RPG. It will be set in the Sinnoh region as well. However, unlike the remakes and the original titles, it will be set way in the past. In the game, players will have to traverse an entirely different terrain with little to no people around as they work to build the first-ever Pokedex of the region. Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set to come out in early 2022 on the Nintendo Switch.